IUS Law Journal

The IUS Law Journal (e-ISSN 2831-0039) is a scholarly legal publication of the Faculty of Law at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS). It serves as a platform targeting largely legal scholars, legal practitioners, FLW students (specifically graduate students in the last leg of their studies), and non-lawyers.  It is a robustly blind, open access, peer-review journal published biannually in English, the language of instruction here at IUS. The journal is designed to explore issues relating to Bosnian public and private laws along with lessons for other constitutional systems, irrespective of legal tradition (civil or common law) or democratic status (young or established), in a contemporary world marked by migration of constitutional ideas.

Why publish with us:

Free of Charge 

Open Access 

Fair Selection and Publication 

Prompt Publication 


Types of papers we publish: 

Research papers

Book reviews

Reports from conferences

Case studies

Info at: iuslawjournal@ius.edu.ba



CALL FOR PAPERS FOR: Volume I, Issue 3, 2023 of The IUS Law Journal

Posted: 2024-01-22

CALL FOR PAPERS FOR: Volume II, Issue 2, 2023 of The IUS Law Journal

Posted: 2023-07-03

Call for Papers Vol. 2, Issue 3.

Posted: 2023-01-06 More...



Posted: 2021-11-22 More...

The First Call for Papers for IUS Law Journal - extended deadline for submissions


Posted: 2020-03-01 More...
More Announcements...

Vol 3, No 1 (2024): IUS Law Journal Vol. III, No. 1.

Full Issue

View or download the full issue Vol. III, no. 1.

Table of Contents


Adesile IbukunOluwa Obasa, James Ogwu Onoja, Olasupo Bada
Fon Fielding Forsuh
Kelese George Nshom
Muhammad Imran Ali
Oluwayemi Oluwadunsin Ogunkorode, Abayomi Oluwaseun Akanle
Tayewo A. Adewumi