Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The IUS Law Journal is a scholarly legal publication of the Faculty of Law at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS). It serves as a platform targeting largely legal scholars, legal practitioners, FLW students (specifically graduate students in the last leg of their studies), and non-lawyers.  It is a robustly blind, open access, peer-review journal published biannually in English, the language of instruction here at IUS. The journal is designed to explore issues relating to Bosnian public and private laws along with lessons for other constitutional systems, irrespective of legal tradition (civil or common law) or democratic status (young or established), in a contemporary world marked by migration of constitutional ideas.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Journal Ethics

We expect our distinguished prospect authors to be respectful and adherent to the widely appreciated broader ethical values of producing writings of academic research papers. This includes, not limited to the originality, referencing, bearing responsibility, disclosing the source of all data and third party materials, disclosing any conflict of interest, maintaining professional communication with the editor-in-chief and executive editor.

IUS Law Journal is committed to ensure and uphold the integrity of all published articles, whereby such values also rely on editors, reviewers, contributors and authors who are expected to behave ethically. The following ethical guidelines are intended to give a broad overview.

In case of need for further inquiry, please contact Journal Editor: Assist. Prof. Dr Kenan Ademović, kademovic@ius.edu.ba.

 IUS Law Journal is committed to: 

  • maintain the editorial independence of  Journal Editors; 
  • support Journal Editors in ethical and academic matters; 
  • ensure critical and objective assessment of all articles by reviewers and referees; 
  • keep an accurate and transparent record, including publishing corrections and retractions when necessary. 

 Authors should ensure that: 

  • work is original and is authored by them; 
  • work submitted to the IUS Law Journal has not been previously published; 
  • original ideas, data, findings and materials taken from other sources (including their own published writing) are properly documented and cited; 
  • work does not violate any rights of others, including privacy rights and intellectual property rights; 
  • data is their own, original and not manipulated; 
  • any real or apparent conflicting or competing interest is clearly stated to the IUS Law Journal, including funding of the research and article; 
  • they adhere to all research ethics guidelines of their discipline; 
  • they will not adhere to plagiarism in whole or in part withour proper citation;
  • they contact the Journal Editors to identify and correct any errors prior or subsequent to publication of their work; 
  • authorship and/or co-authorship of the paper is accurately represented. 

 Reviewers must: 

  • keep the confidentiality of the review process; 
  • alert the IUS Law Journal of any competing interest that could affect the impartiality of their reviewing; 
  • conduct themselves fairly and impartially; 
  • act objectively and fairly in reviewing submitted articles; 
  • execute review process in a reasonable time fashion.

 Editors should: 

  • promote consistent ethical policies of the IUS Law Journal; 
  • enforce policies in a fair and consistent manner; 
  • ensure the confidentiality of the reviewing process; 
  • uphold integrity in their work as Editors of the Journal, doing away with any personal interest or gain; 
  • work with Authors, Reviewers, and the Editorial Board members to ensure the implementation of Journal Ethics and Publishing Policies.